Parent Education Talk with Katie Steele, LMFT


Raising Resilient and Confident Kids In the Age of Achievement Culture

March 6, 2025. 6-7:30 PM.

Location: Miller Library.

Presented by: Katie Steele, LMFT


This training will focus on the crucial link between athletic performance and mental health. As coaches and parents, supporting athletes' mental health and confidence is key to their well-being and success.


During this hour-long presentation, Katie will help us:

  • Increase awareness of athlete mental health and resilience.
  • Explore how parents and coaches can enhance athletes' experiences.
  • Understand athletes’ confidence and strategies to preserve their love of sport.

Katie will also offer time for questions at the end.


Katie Steele, LMFT, is a former highly recruited D1 athlete who ran track and cross country for the University of Oregon. After her running career intersected with the infamous coach Alberto Salazar, she was left with trauma that would affect her for years to come. Motivated to dedicate her career to integrating mental health care into athletics, she is now a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, co-founder of Thrive Mental Health (an outpatient mental health clinic in Bend, Oregon), and a Miller parent.


This presentation is complimentary for the Miller community and is available only to parents and caregivers. If you plan to attend please register here

Miller Library
Thursday, March 6, 2025 6:00pm – 7:30pm